Jan 09, 2016 | jcarson | 1431 views
Minor Peewee Team Gives Back to Community
Over the Christmas break the Dundas Blues Minor Peewee Team held a food and toy drive for the Good Shepherd. The event was a
great success as 4 car loads of food and toys were delivered by several members of the team.... and just in time for Christmas too.
Volunteers at the Good Shepherd were very receptive to the team and provided a very insightful tour of the donation facility located on Cannon Street East. The kids got to see first hand where all the food and toys are sorted and received. The kids got an eye opening message from the volunteers and learned how thousands of families rely on the Good Shepherd services. The Good Shepherd would not exist without the generous volunteer hours and donations. The team quickly realized the importance of volunteering and giving back to support our neighbours in Hamilton and surrounding communities ( and even a few teary eyed mom's in the group).
The Minor Peewee Team encourages other teams and families to learn about all the great services the Good Shepherd provides to our community. The Good Shepherd Donation Drop off facility is located at 155 Cannon St. E. Hamilton.