Dec 09, 2012 | jcarson | 783 views
Dec 8th Flames Stars of the Week
The Go Bee Flames showed some heart today coming back from a 2-0 deficit in the 1st period with a victory over the Stars. The 7-4 final score saw many players contributing points again making this a well balanced Flames team. This weeks Flames 3 stars of the week go to...
Foster Deighton with another hat trick, Matthew Gilbreath with a goal and 2 assists and Sage Sulentic with a solid goaltending debut.
Flames points came from Adam Wright (1 goal), Blake Carpenter (1 goal, 1 assist), Tyler Carson (1 goal), Madison Fines (2 assists), Cadence Tanner (1 assist), Robbie McHarg (1 assist) and Josh Verschoor (1 assist).
The Flames unbeaten streak extends to 6 games. GO (Bee) FLAMES GO !!!!